Fashionabilty is a kind of elevated vulgarity.

Fashions are born and they die too quickly for anyone to learn to love them.

Fashions in bigotry come and go. The right thing lasts.

Fashions, after all, are only induced epidemics.

He never chooses an opinion, he just wears whatever happens to be in style.

He who goes against the fashion is himself its slave.

Her hat is a creation that will never go out of style; it will just look ridiculous year after year.

High heels were invented by a woman who had been kissed on the forehead.

I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch.

I never cared for fashion much, amusing little seams and witty little pleats: it was the girls I liked.

I who have been involved with all styles of painting can assure you that the only things that fluctuate are the waves of fashion which carry the snobs and speculators; the number of true connoisseurs remains more or less the same.

I'd like to put on buckskins and a ponytail and go underwater with a reed, hiding from the Indians… To me, that's sexy!

If one considers how much reason every person has for anxiety and timid self-concealment, and how three-quarters of his energy and goodwill can be paralyzed and made unfruitful by it, one has to be very grateful to fashion, insofar as it sets that three-quarters free and communicates self-confidence and mutual cheerful agreeableness to those who know they are subject to its law.

If the cut of the costume indicates intellect and talent, then the color indicates temper and heart.

In olden days a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking but now, God knows, anything goes.

It is fancy rather than taste which produces so many new fashions.

It pains me physically to see a woman victimized, rendered pathetic, by fashion.

My weakness is wearing too much leopard print.

No doubt the artist is the child of his time; but woe to him if he is also its disciple, or even its favorite.

Nothing is so dangerous as being too modern; one is apt to grow old fashioned quite suddenly.

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